HVAC Systems
One of the activities that is increasingly entering in our Core Business is the construction of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems.
Tecnomec Srl, thanks to its highly qualified staff, guarantees excellent services in that field starting from design, construction (including aeraulic ducts in both pre-insulated and metallic material, made in galvanized or stainless steel, kinds), put into service and maintenance.
HVAC systems are now an essential element to have a condition of physical and mental well-being in indoor environments, but they’re also the key to energy saving only if attention is paid to control and management systems of these systems.
For this reason we do not limit ourselves only to the construction of new systems, but we’re also happy to make a careful analysis of the current conditions of your system, proceeding with the drafting of a requalification report in terms of quality and quantity.

Quality assurance

Entrusting Tecnomec Srl for their realization means relying on a OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 certified partner, member of NADCA “National Air Duct Cleaning Association” and AiisA “Associazione Italiana Igienisti Sistemi Aeraulici”.
These acknowledgements attest to the quality of the interventions of its technicians regarding operations on air conditioning and refrigeration systems in the Hospital, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Commercial and Civil industries.
Last, but not by importance, are all the remediation activities on the plants themselves, under supervision of an A.S.C.S. that is capable of collecting and processing information of the various phases of which the disinfection system is composed of.
This activity represents a procedure in place to eliminate or destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but not necessarily all microbiological forms, on inanimate objects, through the application of suitable physical or chemical agents.